Lawrence Albert "Al" Siebert
Jan. 21, 1934 ~ June 25, 2009
Thank you for visiting this site that Dr. Al Siebert’s family set up for comments, tributes, and remembrances of Agile Al Siebert. Please let us know how he touched your life, personally or professionally with his lifelong research into resilient survivors. You may be interested in viewing his biographical data, or the obituary his family prepared.
Dr. Siebert died of advanced colon cancer. We would like to ask everyone to encourage those they know near the age of 50 to get a colonoscopy performed as soon as possible. When caught early, colon cancer is both preventable and survivable.
"… give hugs, take naps and have a happy heart!"
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Al Siebert….Oregonian.
I met Al fot the first time in the fall of 2003.
At the bus depot in Vancouver, Wa. he looked like a boy filled with kindness and playful curiosity. From then on, he became my friend, brother and mentor.
Oh, Al the Agile, maybe we still have much more to talk about, and I don’t know if I can go on without your advise.
God bless you, Al.
Please watch over your loved ones from the above.
Your brother in Tokyo, Hiro
The world lost a great human being. I was touched and I know thousands of others were as well by his wit, intelligence, kindness, and compassion. We were fellow military veterans and both dedicated to helping this current generation of war fighters, though we both abhorred war – especially the Iraq War. My warmest regards to his family during this sad time. Yet I hope that they will feel his loving presence every day and know that the world is a kinder and more resilient-inducing place because of Al.
Charles Figley
Al (or “Uncle Al” as our 1970’s class of student nurses affectionately referred to him) taught several psychology classes to OHSU students a long time ago…. I remember his ability to communicate and promote critical thinking skills even back then. But it was his kindness and respect for us as students that made him most memborable to me. His teaching impacted my nursing career. Sending thoughts of sympathy to his loved ones…..
I met Al on June 4, 1996; the first day that my print franchise was open. Al became customer #1. I will remeber Al or “Dr. Siebert” as most of our staff referred to him, as as one of the most genuine kind and smart people I’ve ever met. He was always supportive and compassionate to me as a person and in my business endeavors.
Thinking of Al brings a smile to my face and knowing him left me a better person. I wish the best to his family and survivors.
I first met Al when I interviewed him in 1988 for the first edition of “Sixth Sense.” He recounted how his intuition prompted him to bring a knife with him as he was getting ready for his daily walk. He did not know why he was prompted to bring the knife but when he had walked a ways along the shore, he found a seagull that was tangled up in fishing line. Al used the knife to gently free the bird which would have died had it stayed tangled up in the fishing line. Al said that hunch opened the way for him to become curious about intuition. When he conducted his first survey on the survivor personality, he learned that many people attributed their survival to trusting their intuition. I never met Al personally but our conversations over the years were always inspiring. He was also generous in endorsing my book “Dancing with the Wind” and in supporting my work with teenagers with parent loss from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. He is a GREAT SPIRIT who will continue to inspire me for the rest of the journey.
Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.
When I had the opportunity to retire and to work parttime, my goals included time to facilitate Resiliency Workshops under Al’s mentorship. We have work together off and on over the past 16 years so I knew what I wanted and why. I wanted to share the gifts that Al has to offer in his works.
Thank you, Al! What a gift!
My sympathies to Molly and the family.
Sincerely, Pat Ivie
I am sad to learn of Al’s death and will miss him very much. In particular, I’m sorry he and Molly did not have more years together — their relationship was a wonderful adventure. Al was my teacher, mentor, and colleague, a truly original thinker.
One of my earliest, and fondest memories of my Uncle Al was from many years ago when he came to live with us after he returned from Michigan, just out of college. He stayed in a room in our basement at our house in Portland. As many of us know, naps have always been an important part of his daily regime, but to a 4 or 5 year old it was yet another opportunity to play “I HATE MICES TO PIECES!” This was my spin off the old 60’s cartoon where the cat chased the mice around the house, with a broom, trying to thwack them, yelling the above quote. Well, I too used the broom, playing the part of the cat, and poor Uncle Al, played the part of the mice, over and over and over and over and over………..The worst part for him was I had a huge advantage as I usually wanted to start the game when Mom would ask me to go wake him from his nap and come up for dinner! You guessed it….broom in hand, I went down to my sleeping uncle and “THWACKED” him across the belly as hard as my 5 yr old frame could muster! ….he was up immediately, running from me and I, in hot pursuit, was chasing him around with the broom was yelling “I hate mices to pieces!” as I chased him all over the house. He was such a great sport for the hundreds of bruises I probably caused. He NEVER got mad at me and was always an awesome uncle. I could go on forever but I thought you would like to hear one of his earlier stories. Everyone’s thoughts and memories are greatly appreciated so thanks for taking time to share and be sure to take a nap, he’d like that. I’m going to miss him a lot.
Al and I were fraternity brothers and classmates at Willamette. We didn’t have a lot of interaction then, but over time I had various memorable interactions.
When Al was preparing to marry you,Molly, he absolutely startled me with an e-mail asking if I would marry you. I have been mistaken for various people, but never before had I been mistaken for a minister! Though a rather brief interaction, this incident really stuck with me and I felt hugely complimented to be thought of as worthy of performing your marriage ceremony.
While still in school, I was aware that he had served as a Ranger in the U.S. Army. My hobby at that time was mountain climbing, strenuous and mostly devoted to seeing scenic places in the company of friends. Al, another fraternity brother and I attempted an early season climb of the Middle Sister. The weather was ba-a-ad and when we got to the 8,000 level, we retreated. But I felt great that I had been able to match a U.S. Army Ranger in the effort.
The next instance of having, in this case, an indirect contact with Al, occurred when he was conducting a TV interview with individuals who had endured very difficult situations. The guests were someone who had lived through the hell of a SE Asia refugee camp, another who had lived through an equally difficult situation, and Homer Yasui who, as a Japenese nisie, had made it through the internment camp experience and had gone on to significant accomplishments.
I was particularly interested in the interview with Mr. Yasui, as my home town was Hood River where the treatment of the Japanese had been especially egregious.
With Mr. Yasui, Al went on at some length about how difficult that whole experience must have been. Then, after all of these conjectures by Al of how horrible these experiences must have been, Al asked Homer, “How did you do it?” Homer replied simply, “Try hard.”
So, I move into life’s home stretch, I think Homer Yasui’s statement is an excellent guide which was revealed to me in one of Al’s TV appearances. I am thankful to have had this input and I appreciate Al’s contributions to the thinking about the human condition and the advice to, “Try hard.”
I hope to meet you some time, Molly.
I met Al around 8 years ago when I reached out to him asking him to collaborate with me on a training sesssion. Through Al’s generosity, he trained me and several other colleagues. From that point on, Al was a mentor and friend. I was fortunate enough to attend a small retreat with Al in Boston. The small group of us shared ideas, laughs and of course hugs. Al was supportive and genuine and caring. I will miss him and regret that I never took him up on his offer to visit his home and wife during Thanksgiving. Al was a wonderful, thoughtful and generous man. He taught me a lot.
Here in Gaborone, Botswana when I hear a friend has passed on. In a country, half a world away from Oregon, where Al has had an enormous impact. Through his decade-long participation in yearly programs with mid-level and senior officers of the Botswana Government, I constantly am aware of the cultural change he has co-created here.
To your dedication and spirit-filled work with people around the world. Bless you Al.
On behalf of our family here in Warm Springs and Simnasho we would like to offer our condolences to Molly and the rest of the family. Our family’s first contact with Al was when he approached my father Enos when they had the the Veit Nam Memorial Wall display in Portland well over 20 years ago. Al sat with my father and listened for hours on end as my dad found someone he could confide. They became great friends and their friendship lasted until my fater left us. Al contined to be a great friend to my mom.
Over the years Al visited our reservation for work and for social events many many times.
This year during the Delta Park celebration in mid june we went to the pow wow to visit friends and looked for Al. Al always found time to come over and visit with us for a few minutes. We didn’t see him but we thought “Oh Well he’ll be in Warm Springs for the Veterans Picnic during Pi Ume Sha…. We received the news on Friday evening during the celebration.
We hope the family weathers this storm and picks themselves up and dust themselves off. You couldn’t of had a better teacher in how to gather yourself and move forward.
Take care
Captain, Nonie and the kids and
Charlotte Herkshan
Cameron and I offer our deepest condolences to your family.
Al was a great speaker at the Wilderness Suvival conferences over the years. He offered the most fundamental information that people needed to know to enjoy the outdoors safely. Al helped people understand how they could find the inner strenght and courage to use the technical knowledge about preventing hypothermia or dealing with other injuries in the wilderness. Many speakers would tell us what to do. Al made us believe we had the power to do it.
Al touched many lives. He will be greatly missed.
Kate Wood and Cameron Bangs MD (retired)
I met with Al twice at his beautiful home on the Columbia River. Both times I was looking for advice on publishing a book and marketing it, etc. He was so wonderfully generous with his time and advice, sent me e-mails with tips and was totally encouraging. That was extremely generous of him and I appreciated it a lot. He also told me about his experience at the Menninger clinic and about what he had learned about the human psyche along the way. Our meetings were fun, enlightening and helpful. Can’t ask for more than that. Thanks Al. I’ll miss you.
The world needs more people like Al – I’m more than shocked and saddened by the news of his passing. As his literary agent, I had the privilege of working with him on his book, THE RESILIENCY ADVANTAGE. His compassion, kindness, thirst for knowledge and ability to reach out to others was always apparent. He lived his life helping everyone he could. A beautiful soul is now silent – I will miss him, and I send my deep condolences to his friends and family.
Kimberley Cameron
For me, the world is poorer because Al is no longer in it. But at the same time, many of us, myself included, are richer because he was. He was a good and loyal friend for many years. We helped each other through some tough times, but no matter what was happening, good or bad, he remained remarkably upbeat.
Thank you, Al, for your kind and gentle spirit that I am certain lives on. I miss you terribly, and always will.
Al is respected by many people who work for the state of Oregon. His interest in the resilience of public servants has been an inspiration to those who regularly are stressed by change, challenge, and lack of respect. We will miss his concern and encouragement. Not only did he provide leadership for state employees, he was a favorite of the leaders from the country of Botswana.
I also personally feel the loss of his academic focus and compassion.
Molly, he was totally devoted to you and I’m happy that you had the good years with him.
Priscilla Rose Cuddy
Al touched so many lives and, in turn, all of us did the same. The world is transformed by his, and our, acts. I so looked forward to the WW conference because I would get to see Al, his sparkling eyes and curious bright mind. I’ll never forget how ecstatic he was to have met Molly–and they had about 100 years too few. Al and I co-taught workshops, and also worked together on several of his book projects. One that I believe never saw the light of day was his memoir. His one line, “I define me,” moved people to tears in his workshop. I remember several staying afterwards to thank him as they had been categorized, diagnosed and treated only like their label. He freed people and empowered them. Al, I define me. You helped me become a better person. I will so miss your friendship.
Well, Al. The Men’s Group, your group, met tonight for the first time since you left us. But then again, maybe you were there. You were our role model to help us survive and be resilient. We do miss you. It’s difficult to talk about death and being gone from this life as we know it. It was difficult tonight. But you have made a difference, Al. You’ve made a positive difference in the lives of a lot of people in this world. Thanks for having been in our lives, Al.
Thanks everyone so far and to come for leaving your comments, memories and thoughts. Molly and I have appreciated them very much.
I came back from vacation and learned we had lost Al. I understand he was back east doing his work shop only a couple weeks before he died.
Once again Al has inspired me to do my bit.
I wanted to use his book as the basis of a training series I was preparing. He was enthusiastic. I’ve had the pleasure of sharing the Resiliency Advantage with our employees in about a dozen sessions over the last five months. It has been such a gift to me. And such a relief to have something real to offer to our employees who are going through such hard times.
I promise Al, I will keep passing your work on.
And for that long ago ISPI meeting, thank you for helping me find my way.I am still traveling that road.
I met Al at the Willamette Writers conference a few years ago. His enthusiasm and passion for life were contagious. I am grateful I got to work with him albeit briefly. He truly was a wonderful man. To his family, I am very sorry for your loss.
I learned this morning that Dr. Al Siebert, director of The Resiliency Center and author of several books, including The Adult Student’s Guide to Survival & Success, mentioned often on my Continuing Ed. site at About.com, died June 25.
Several months ago, Al and I had a lengthy email conversation about whether or not people “choose” stress. He made his point with me that there is an important difference between stress and strain, that people who visit my site are far more resilient than I was giving them credit for.
The article Stress vs. Strain is the result of that conversation, my attempt to share with you Al’s belief that you are more resilient than you may realize.
Now more than ever, we all need to be resilient. Read Dr. Siebert’s work. Visit his Resiliency Center. Believe in yourself.
I’ll miss you, Al. Thanks for the time you invested with me.
I am stunned to learn that Al passed away. Small in frame, but a gentle giant (and what a cyclist)! We met at the Seaside Conference in the 80s when we were both keynoting there. Our mutual interest in synchronicity was a touchstone that continued throughout our friendship with shared aha moments that continue to bring a smile to my face. We continued to cross paths personally (including cycling outings and July 4th picnics and fireworks at his wonderful Columbia River home) and professionally, including co-presentations for the Forest Service (that encouraged our mutual love of napping) that continued until the local office was closed. For awhile we kept in touch via Email, but lost contact as our professional paths diverged. The last I heard from him included the very happy news of his impending marriage.
I will remember Al’s gentle way of moving through the world–inquisitive, concerned, and enthusiastic about all things related to living well. He had the great gift of being a listener–a man who honored all perspectives, even if he disagreed. The world needs more Al Sieberts. His legacy will continue via the lives he touched and changed. Shalom.
In Calgary, Alberta, Canada we remember Dr. Al Siebert as an encouraging man with a generous spirit. Not only are his books a wealth of information on resilience, he has left behind many who he encouraged to “take on the cause.” He coached and supported me from the beginning to the end (with an endorsement) of my book project on women, work and resilience.
Last year when he came to the University of Calgary to present, he was obviously weak, but rose to the occasion and inspired all who participated.
In June, 2009 when I attended the World Congress on Positive Psychology, numerous attendees spoke of Al Siebert when the topic of resilience was mentioned.
He will be missed and it is gratifying that Kristin, Molly and others are keeping his legacy well and alive.
With appreciative memories, Patricia
I met Al in a “Survivor Personality” class he was teaching at Portland State during the 80’s. I was fascinated with his ideas. Several years later, after having gone through some challenging times of my own I was searching for a way to help others and I reconnected with him. He became my mentor as I developed an interest in the area of resiliency. Later I began promoting his work in my own career and he awarded me the honor of “Resiliency Facilitator”. I hope to be able to continue to further his inspirational ideas about how our difficult experiences can make us better and stronger.
Cynthia Dailey-Hewkin
I met Al at a seminar on Transformational Leadership. His work on resiliency had a very important impact on me. As I wrote my thesis, his work was used and quoted. He will be missed.
As a doctoral student researching resiliency, Tom Greening referred me to Al. I had no idea how my life was about to be transformed. I was using psychobabble and medical model vocabulary, when Al firmly, but in his gentle way, challenge me to use different words. I said what else is there…from there, Al took the time to educate me about what it truly means to be a mental health professional and to always see the human being first and foremost. Without Al, I would not be the person or the mental health professional I am today. I am forever grateful.
I recently found out that Dr. Siebert passed away last June 25 and I am saddened by this event. I previously sent him a copy of my three previous books about my successful recovery from schizophrenia, but it was incomplete. I have finally completed the fourth book which now explains the cause and cure for schizophrenia. I was about to give him a copy of my book, but since he is no longer around, I cant. Dr. Siebert sometimes referred to me for some answers.
Anyway, I would like to extend my condolences to his family, and let everyone know that he was very helpful to many people, including myself.
Rodney St. Michael
I just found out that Dr. Al Siebert passed away last June 25 and I am very saddened by this news.
I met Al in November 2001 at a conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
He was one of the kindest and most genuine, intelligent, and compassionate person I have ever met. We used to communicate by email, and his advice was indispensable.
I would like to extend my condolences to his family with a Poem in his honor:
“I cannot say, and I will not say
That Al Siebert is dead. Al is just away.
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand,
Al has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.
And us-
Oh, we who yearn
For an old time step, and the glad return,
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There as the love of Here
I think of Al Siebert still as the same.
I say, a dear mentor, genuine, intelligent, kind,
And compassionate and respectful and respected.
Al Siebert is not dead-
Al Siebert is just away.
Dr. Simin Saedi Wong, November 2009
I first heard about Al Siebert in 1986, when I was living in Los Angeles. I read a mention of his theory of the Survivor Personality in Bernie Siegel’s book “Love, Medicine & Miracles.” I was so taken with Al’s concept that I wrote to him. He replied and we carried out a wonderful snail mail correspondence for over a year. I will remember him as a great communicator and a deep thinker. RIP, Al.
I met Al in Bethel ME in 1964. I was an 18 year old sophomore in college and he was in grad school at Michigan. We were there for the National Training Labs sessions in what was, and may still be, called Sensitivity Training.
Al and I were in a group comprising a dozen people of dramatically different backgrounds, ages, experiences, and orientations. I was, I can safely say, the only kid in the room who knew he was gay and hadn’t admitted it to anyone but himself.
I’m pretty sure Al knew that. Hell I’m absolutely sure he knew, though neither of us talked about it. He also knew that I had a heels-over-head love crush going on for him. We never talked about that either. What we did talk about, especially on a full moon drive over the Maine “mountains” to meet our fellows at a beach party, was whether I was worth being loved by somebody stronger, smarter, sweeter, and more attractive than I was.
He’d made it clear indirectly through the interactions of the conference that he liked me. On that ride, he made it clear- my memory of his words were “You know there are a lot of things that don’t need to be talked about. Sometimes you feel things that are powerful and important and you feel them… but if you talk about them, put words on them, they get smaller. You know that, right?”
Honestly, I don’t think I did know that but I trusted it. And I do know that on that night as we met our friends and swam in the coldest fresh water I’d ever been in contact with, that I was happier than I’d ever been in my life.
In the autumn of that year, I drove to Michigan to spend a weekend with Al and his wife, Virginia. Some time later, I was attending a college conference in Lawrence KS, and I visited them in Topeka, where Al had won a place in the doctoral program at Menninger. It was not a great visit. In fact, it was devastating because while Virginia had tried to warn me, I wasn’t prepared for who Al was. I communicated with Virginia once after that, as she was returning to Ohio.
After that, my life started taking on its own complications- I started actually growing up, I think. But Al was always with me. He was the embodiment of the better part of my nature… encouraging me to be as much like Carl Rogers as my arrogant and abrasive nature could be. And there were time, I’ve been told since, when I rose to his occasion – offering kindness and even love to somebody who felt that they hadn’t earned it and maybe didn’t deserve it. Offering encouragement. Channeling Al.
I’m going to end this because I doubt that anybody is going to be interested in how excited I was to see him on Oprah, to track him online and buy a dozen of the Survivor books to donate to libraries… to live in Portland for five years wondering if I should email him and let him know what an incredible, positive impact he had on my life… how much he remains that good angel on my shoulder, how much that 18 year old kid remains alive in my essence and how much he still loves Al Siebert.
Late to the wake, as usual…
I first heard of Al when I read Bernie Siegel’s book Love, Medicine and Miracles. His mention of Al’s research into resiliency struck a chord with me. I had lost my mother to cancer and was wondering how to deal with the grief. I started learning about resiliency then.
Flashcut to 2005: moving to the West Coast, beginning a new life. Al’s books became my textbooks to help cope with the stress of a new environment, finding work and establishing an intimate relationship.
Fall 2006: My wife Jennifyr and I were planning to drive through Portland on our way back from Canada, where we had just finished a cruise to Alaska. I emailed Al that I would be passing through. With his characteristic kindness, he replied that we were welcome to visit that evening, adding, “We can feed you.” 🙂
Indeed he did, with a wonderful view of the river and delicious homemade ice cream (blackberry, as I recall). His wife Molly joined us, and we had a wonderful conversation, occasionally interrupted by their many pets.
I have a photo to remind me of that wonderful event. I will always remember his advice and wisdom. The work will go on.
Blessings to Molly and the Siebert family–
Andrew Williams
I just got this news.
I first ran into Al when I went on line for the first time after my own experience with psychiatry. I discovered Successful Schizophrenia with it’s upbeat, hopeful and positive tone in vibrant uplifting colour and enjoyed an ongoing dialogue with Al for a period of time as I expressed my opinions on the current state of the mental illness system with Al. he is one of the people who helped me get past the crisis and anger. He will be missed.
Patricia Lefave
Al changed my world and the world of my clients even though he never met them. I only spoke with him twice, read everything he wrote….was inspired… and weep at his passing. May his spirit continue to dance… Sean Collins, therapist in Ireland
It is with deep sadness that I recently learned of the passing of Dr. Al Siebert. I offer my heartfelt condolences to his wife, Molly, his beloved pets, and to the many people whose lives he touched.
Dr. Siebert touched my life by giving me the gift of acknowledgment. He was a gifted educator who was a resource for me at a time in my life when I had few other sources of hope. It was through his two websites, his books, and his articles that I learned about resilience, surviving, and thriving.
In the professional fields of psychology and education, Dr. Siebert was a pioneer who successfully blended the traditional academic world of psychology (a “hard” science) with his insights into the holistic nature shared by all human beings.
Dr. Siebert educated me, and countless numbers of other people throughout the world. Not only was he “the” expert on the psychological construct known as resilience, but he also shared insightful and practical information which he had observed from his research on stress.
After the events of September 11th, 2001, I corresponded with Dr. Siebert by email. At the time, I had lived and worked in the neighborhood of the twin towers and I was also a first responder. I had endured many crises in my life and felt lost with regard to putting these adverse events into a more positive perspective. He suggested that I write out my story so as to better process and assimilate what had happened to me. After I wrote “Journey of a Late Bloomer,” he requested my permission to add it to the other stories of survival which he had posted on his websites. It was the first time in my life I had received acknowledgement.
When I wrote a follow up story, “Getting Better and Better,” he again asked for my permission to add it to the collection of stories on both of his websites.
Dr. Siebert was the first person in my life who truly listened to what I had to say. Being acknowledged was not only healing for me, but also for the thousands of other people that visited Dr. Siebert’s websites in their own search for hope and inspiration. He expressed foresight and courage in publishing these stories of human struggle and survival in his books and on his websites.
I met Dr. Siebert one time, after he made a presentation in his role as a volunteer consultant for the World Trade Center 9/11 Survivors Network. I found him to be an eloquent, kind, and generous man. His presence is already missed. Thankfully, we will always have his words to inspire us, such as the quote below:
“No one who survives a disaster will ever be the same again. You will remain a bitter, emotionally wounded victim, or heal and be transformed into a stronger, better person.”
—-Al Siebert, Ph.D.
I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of Al and want to extend sympathy to family. If I had an opportunity to meet one person on this planet I would want to me Al Siebert. He was such a compassionate and caring person.
I first met Al when he was working on the book Survivor Personality. We found that we had many experiences in common when it came to people that had great surivor skills. My world for 11 years was at residental treatment program working with children that had severe emotional issues. I was amazed that these children had such resiliency while having emotional health issues. Al and I spent many hours sharing information regarding our experiences on the subject. Al was such a gental person welling to share his knowledge and experence.
I will always be gratful for the time spent with my friend Al. Spending time with my friend has made me a better survior as I just went protrate surgeryy and chemo this past year. Thanks Al and hopefully we meet in the great beyond.
Your friend,
John Gray
I am so sorry to know that this very special man is gone. I send deep heartfelt sympathy to his wife, extended family and friends. I never met him personally but found him on the Internet. I had been searching frantically for someone to help my son who was diagnosed in 1998 with Treatment resistant Schizophrenia. A diagnosis I knew instinctively did not fit him. After years of searching for answers, Al advised me through email. He understood completely what We were going through and gave me the kind of supportive advice I needed to keep going.
Al set me on the road to finding the truth for my son. In April 2009 he was reassessed and the diagnosis was Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is no longer on Antipsychotic medications. He is still struggling with the aftermath of the damage that’s been done to him and still waiting for appropriate Autism specific services to start but at least the autism has been recognized at last. He is 36 years old. If it hadn’t been for the encouragement and confidence given to me by Al, I think I would still be fighting about his diagnosis and nothing would have changed.
I will NEVER forget you Al Siebert. Thank you XXX
I just found an article written by Al Siebert and wanted to ask him a couple of questions about it.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Michael in Seattle WA
PS- I think I have survivor personality as each one of the bullet list things was right on target in my not at all subjective view of myself. I find that self-diagnosing saves money and annoys physicians. =) I was hoping to find more information on this.
At age 59, I was laid off for the first time in my life last week. In my struggle to cope with this devastating experience, I found your website and have been enthralled since.
I’ve always been a survivor and very resilient – but this situation has really thrown me.
Thank you for keeping this site up and totally accessible for those of us who didn’t have the blessing of knowing Mr. Siebert. I’m very grateful!
Most important, I know I’ll come through this just fine – thanks again!